Providing the latest communication solutions to take on the ever changing landscape

Expeditionary Communication

751 Global Solutions provides a wide range of services tailored around expeditionary communications solutions to include HF, VHF, UHF, L-Band, and Link-16. Specializing in Tactical HF Communications and can provide on-site training packages.

We believe the best tools lead to the best outcomes

Our mission is to provide the best – most reliable - cost effective – equipment to the military and civilian teams that rely on them in the most demanding environments.

Civilian Emergency Solutions

We provide robust solutions utilizing lightweight mast, antennas, and sensor/camera positioners systems that are tailored to meet your specific requirements. The mast and antenna systems have been specifically designed to increase the capability of Police, Fire, Search and Rescue, and NGO agencies to respond quickly providing increased performance of essential infrastructure including communications, lighting and sensor and surveillance systems.

Our line of expeditionary mast solutions provide dramatically increased capability to personnel deploying essential infrastructure in some of the world’s most challenging environments and scenarios. The masts’ low weight and pack size combined with a robust, waterproof construction perfectly complements the advances in communication, sensor, and surveillance technology. As a result our mast solutions have revolutionized the deployment of mobile and man-portable systems.


“The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”

— Norman Schwarzkopf